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Specialist Dog Detection

Detecting the source of any pest infestation is the most important factor in determining the most suitable treatment and ensuring effective results. To help us Pinpoint the sources of infestation we utilise trained detection dogs.

Bedbug detection dogs

Bedbug detection dogs are the most accurate and discreet method of confirming bedbug infestations. Our dogs are trained to detect the scent of bedbugs and their eggs.

Mouse detection dogs

Mouse detection dogs are the most accurate and discreet method of identifying all active mouse infestations. Our dogs are trained to detect the scent of mice, droppings, smearing and nesting materials.

Using scent means our dogs can identify infestations at a very early stage and can find their exact harbourages. Carrying out a sweep of your building will allow us to identify all infested areas and carry out a targeted treatment, to eliminate all bedbugs and prevent the likelihood of re-infestation.

Call us today on 07378 417 461 for a free pest control survey and competitive quotation